Friday, November 13, 2009

dharmasala continues!

oh its cold here, today and yesterday! the temperature just dropped suddenly last fri. i hope joanne has a thicker jacket with her.

this morning i received a call from florence, a dharma friend i met in nepal last year. she is from canada and she is here in hk now, actually transiting to kathmandu. she emailed me about it last month but i forgot all about it until she called this morning! oh i am so happy hearing her voice again after a year. i am going out to meet her and do some catching up over 'tim sum' and catch up. all the foreigners i met in nepal, are all kind of addicted to nepal (myself included). hahaha..

ok dharamasala adventure continues! after teaching ended, we stayed behind to explore more of the place. today we are 'sent' by our teacher to check out the famous lake rewalsar (tso pema to the tibetans) which is 6 hrs drive away. so we set off at 6am. it was beautiful and so peaceful at dawn.. i love long car drives actually. the night before, i bought some juice, biscuits and chips. yes! i am ready to just sit 6 hrs with gurung on the wheel, our long-haired, big built, tough looking but extremely kind nepal born tibetan driver. haha..
thats him with jac. hahaha... oh and thats one of the best prata i ever had. so yummy with aloo (potato) filling and with curd (yogurt)! yummy! i love yogurt.
finally we reached our destination.

we are so lucky to have sonam la as our personal guide. he gave us a detailed description of the story of the sacred lake over milk tea, we were joined by 2 dogs. one of them followed us around for a long time. oh that was a beautiful day! the sun warm, the mountain breeze so fresh and cool....


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