Monday, April 06, 2009

to the crazy ones

hello girls! how are you? how is singapore? over here, its raining. yesterday the sun was out, warm warm day. i was wearing that strappy smock dress and today the weather turns cool. ok let me go work now. before that, i have to share a book with you.

what i am reading now: 'Inside Steve's Brain' by Leander Kahney. anyone who is an apple fan or a steve jobs' fan or just want to know how steve runs apple must read it. its a lively book, i find it most inspiring, being part of the growth of the brand from my very first LC3 to Macbook (and of coz ipod). and being from advertising, i believe anyone from advertising is thrilled by apple's 'think different' campaign by tbwa chiat day'. it made such an impact on me, i remembered. it resonates strongly with me.

i remembered printing out the copy and pinned it right in front of my desk and thinking how did the copywriter came up with such beautiful, strong copy. (i was in tbwa hk office a few years after this campaign was launched. apple was still with tbwa worldwide. i am so happy that we get to work on the apple account, even though its just some simple adaptation. haha).

i am considering myself to be a steve jobs' fan. he eats only vege and fish (same as me, yeah) and walks around barefooted negotiating deals. hahaha oh well, that's not the reason. i admire his guts. he dares to be different, not affected by peer pressure, society or the 'rules' of running a business. staying true to his essence, to what he does best in this life.

''because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.''
are you one of the crazy ones?


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