Thursday, November 01, 2007

think wave not curls

this morning i woke up, when i shake my head, my hair feels so light. when i look at the mirror, it looks a little like a badly shaped candy floss. oh well it has over-achieved the volumy effect that i wanted. hahaha! then i washed it, let it dry naturally. thank goodness, it subsided. i think i will keep washing my hair to tame the curls. this is how it looks now. then i remembered sienna miller had a short wavy hairstyle in the past, so i google it. and here it is. ah why does the ends of my hair curl outward instead of inward?!?!?! i think maybe i should get a electric curler to turn them inward manually. oh maybe its ok. i think i am just being paranoid. oh i guess i am not used to it yet. maybe i should explore on splitting my fringe. ok going to get dressed for yoga now. ciao.


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