Friday, May 12, 2006

fashion versus style

i find it overwhelming lately about what is going on... 'the white is the new black' thing, the nudes, the monochrome, the ruffles and the laces, the new nautical look (stripes has been around for some time), the pleats, the volume, the long shorts, the high waist dress, yes and the dots i mentioned about yesterday. everything seems to be happening quickly, one after another. maybe its good so we dun look like clones of each other when we go out. right now i am seeing permed hair clones everywhere in hong kong, everyone has wavy hair!! argh...

this thought leads to the very interesting debate about 'fashion versus style' that i recently saw on i saw at: quote: 'fashion is there to be bought, but style cannot be bought', 'fashion is for a moment, style is something that follows a person forever', 'for fashion, you follow the rules. but for style, you take the rules and you manipulate them.'

it really got me thinking. i think fashion inspires style. can anyone actually be stylish without having any influence from fashion? i am not sure. what about you? are you more stylish or more fashionable?


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